Thursday, July 22, 2010

Owl Stuffies Tutorial

Ever since I made my son’s Halloween costume I’ve been having a lot of fun sketching and playing with the idea of making an owl stuffie. So when my mom commissioned me to make a stuffed animal as a present for a friend’s new baby I knew exactly what I wanted to make.006
This Pattern is to make a small owl stuffie (like the aqua one above) This pattern is not for commercial use or monetary gain

Owl tutorial 1


  • 3 coordinating fabrics (one of them should be a solid color).
  • a small amount of orange felt for the beak
  • Polyfill
  • Scissors
  • Fabric paint or felt for the eyes
  • Sewing machine
  • Needle and thread
  • Pattern below

Owl tutorial pattern
Open this image in a new tab and print at full size. You will want to print 3 copies. Cut out the Face and Wing from the same copy. Cut the piece as seen below.
Owl tutorial pattern back Owl tutorial pattern Face Owl tutorial pattern wing Owl tutorial pattern belly
Cut 1 in Main color
Cut 1 in Main color
Cut 2 in main color and 2 in Tail color
Cut 1 in Belly color
Once you have all your pieces cut out it you are ready to start sewing with the wings.
Owl tutorial 11Owl tutorial 12Owl tutorial 14
The fabric that I choose for my main color came from an old pair of pants and was a heavier weight than the cotton quilting fabrics that I picked for my belly and tail colors. So I wanted to add a little weight to the lower wings. To do this I cut a piece of felt using the wing pattern but did not place along a fold. Then I folded the tail colored wing in half with right sides touching and pinned the felt to the outside (it should be touching a wrong-side).  Fold the top wing (main color) in half right sides together. Sew along the curve with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Leave the top of the wing open. If you choose heavier weight fabric the felt is unnecessary.
After you sew the wings trim the felt as close as possible to the seam and clip your fabric along the curves. Then turn the wings right sides out and iron them flat.
Owl tutorial 15The next step is to join the belly wings and face pieces to make the front of the owl. To do this you should place the wings on the right side of the belly piece at an angle with the curved part facing inwards. The wing piece that is the main color goes on top. The straight edge of the wing should be about 3/4 inch from the corners of the belly piece. Once you are satisfied with the placement of the wings place the face piece on top with the right side facing the right side of the belly piece. Pin in place and sew the straight edges together with a 1/2 inch seam allowance.  Owl tutorial 16

Owl tutorial 17Afterwards you can trim the excess wing to even up the seam.

Owl tutorial 18Then lift up the face piece and iron it flat 
Finish the front by sewing on the beak putting the seam in the gutter between the wings and then adding eyes. For this tutorial I did freezer paper stencils for the eyes but you could also do appliqué or even buttons if the receive is past the choking hazard stage.
Owl tutorial 22Owl tutorial 23
Putting on the tail piece is most challenging part of this project. Start with the front. After pinning the wings so they are out of the way pin the center of the  curve of the tail piece to the center of the bottom of the front. Work from the center out lining up the edges as you pin. Sew this curve with a 1/2 inch seam allowance.
Owl tutorial 24 Owl tutorial 25 Owl tutorial 26
Pinning the backside is also a challenge. Again start at the center and pin so that the edges line up. You are pinning a concave curve to a convex one so take your time and be patient. The carefully sew around with a 1/2 inch seam allowance. DON’T FORGET to leave an opening to turn it right side out.
Owl tutorial 27 Owl tutorial 28
Owl tutorial 29I take the pins out of the wings thru the opening to save myself some pinpricks then turn it right side out. Stuff it and then sew up the opening and enjoy your super cute owl stuffie or make a whole adorable parliament.
Owl tutorial 30
If you make an owl stuffie we would love to see it. Please add it to our flickr group so we can all enjoy it.


  1. thank you! That is so cute. i think I am going to make one for my daughter... her room is in owls!

  2. Oh My Goodness! They are so cute! Is it possible you could put up a little sketch of the legs on the owl next to the blue one? It perfectly matches the name plaque I made for a friend's baby!

  3. Those are so cute! I've been looking for someone to do a tutorial! I think I may want to make a bunch for my son's room! Thank you so much. You are so talented.

  4. this is adorable! i found you thru "one pretty thing". i'm thinking i might do this without the tail... (taking the easy way out) :) can you just do a flat backside that matches the front?

  5. These are so cute...and I love the name of your blog!

  6. Julia, you can absolutely do it with out the tail. It will make it way easier for you but it will be more pillow-like. With the tail it will stand up on its own

  7. These are adorable! Thank you for sharing your tutorial.

  8. Awww, how sweet! Thanks for sharing the tutorial, I might actually give sewing a try :)

  9. These are SOOOO cute!!! I linked to your pattern & tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  10. I love owls! Just adorable. Thanks for the tut..will def be making one!

  11. Sweet! I'd like to make tiny ones into a mobile for my newest daughter... due soon.

  12. These are adorable! I featured them check it out and grab a button!

  13. Mrs.Dr.Shot, that sounds so adorable. If you make the mobile please send me a picture.

    Heather and Casserole, Thanks so much for featuring us. We are new and are so excited to get our name out there.

  14. oh my!! they're sooo cute!! thank you so much for sharing!!

  15. This is soooo cute and looks like thekind of thing I would love to attempt and then will mess up. I'll try, though... whooooo knows!?

  16. THIS IS SO CUTE! Thank you for sharing your pattern.

    Just Better Together

  17. Thanks for sharing! Love it. Have been looking for an owl pattern for a while and this is the nicest I've seen : )

  18. These are so cute! I am an owl fanatic! This is a great pattern and tutorial, thanks for sharing! I'm one of your newest followers!


  19. Thanks so much for this adorable tutorial! I've been trying to make this with my daughter and am a bit confused about the "tail" piece. How many do we have to cut out - 1 or 2? Also, it doesn't seem to fit with the back piece. I'm missing something I think? Is it possible to see a photo of the back? Thanks so much! :-)

  20. I made this for my niece! I love it! Thank you!!! I linked you up, check it out...

  21. Oh my Goodness~! I love owl's and your generosity for the pattern and directions. I know I will have fun creating one. Thank you so very much.

  22. These are too cute! But I have to you happen to have a pattern for the owl on the left. I am absolutely in love with that owl and would love to make one for my son.

  23. I'm raving out loud at my computer over this pattern!!! I cannot wait to make one! You've got a new huge fan/follower! :)

  24. These are adorable. I think they would make the perfect favor for my little owl's 2nd birthday party!! thanks so much!!! oh, i found you on design crush :)

  25. this is a treasure! than you for the tutorial, cant wait to put in practice

  26. These are awesome! I posted a link from my blog to this post - hope that is ok! I plan on making one for my baby-boy-to-be's room this weekend!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hi - love your owls!!!! Best pattern I've seen! Can you give me any suggestions on making the larger owls with the cute feet? Or maybe adding feet to the small owl?

  29. Adorable! Thank you for sharing the tutorial! I made 4 of them, pretty small, to make a mobile for my baby, and posted a picture to your Flickr.

  30. Great tutorial, so in depth. Thank you so much. My friend is in labour as I'm writing this so I'd better sew one up quickly for her little girl. Thanks again!

  31. This is SO adorable! My daughter LOVES owls I am going to have to make her one.

    Also, I wanted to ask can I post a link to this from my craft site? I would show one or two of your finished owl pics and then the link to your site for instructions if any of the reader wants to try it. The site is let me know if that would be okay with you.


  32. Super cute! Glad I found this!

  33. Hello! I followed a link to your blog from Kiwi At Heart today. I love this pattern! Thanks so much for sharing it. I'll be making one (or attempting too yikes!) for the children of Christchurch.

    ~ ~

  34. I just made 7 of these for favors for my son's birthday party. They were so easy to make. thank you so much for the pattern and fabulous tutorial. next week i will be showing them off and linking back to your tutorial. thanks again!!!

  35. Wow, these are so cute! I'm planning to properly learn to sew and these will be my inspiration, thank you so much for sharing!

  36. Wowwwww.. thank you so much for sharing :)

  37. This pattern is awesome! We'd love to share it with other sewers by featuring a link to your project at next week. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks - Erika

  38. Hi Ruth! I made the owl and blogged about him too!

    ~ ~

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi,
    Thank you for this great tutorial! I am now working on my 4th owl and loving them more and more!
    You wrote that this owl is not supposed top be used for commercial use. A friend asked me to make an owl for
    here as a present for her friend. She wanted to pay me,
    which is starting to get commercial... Can you tell me
    where your limit is? Because I don't want to do anything
    not fine by you!
    Hope to hear from you!

  41. Ruth -
    Thank you for sharing this owl pattern and tutorial. Iin the past I've only sewn straight lines for simple quilts. This is the first time I've ever followed a pattern and the first time to ever make something three dimensional. I had so much fun making it! I posted my pictures on your flickr group.

    Best, Sarey Jane

  42. I think these would make FABULOUS Halloween decorations! Would you mind if I linked to your tutorial from my site: ?

    Let me know...


  43. HI! Yours owl is very cute... Thanks for the pattern and great tutorial. <3 <3 3

  44. Awesome project! Here's my first (very rough/rushed) attempt.

  45. This is absolutely adorable! My sister is in love with penguins, so I'm going modify the design a little by rounding off the ears, I'll post a picture when I'm done. Thanks so much for the tutorial :-)

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Thanks so much for your tutorial! I made 2 of these for my nieces! The pattern was so easy to follow ... it was actually the first thing I have ever made from a pattern! and my first stuffy!

  49. LOOOOOVE this pattern! I added fishtank rocks to the bottom of mine and made it a doorstop for my daughters baby gate!

  50. For a long time I have been looking for a nice owl design to make for my nieces, who love owls, this is the cutest owl ever, and with a tutorial ???
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  51. This is sooo lovely! I can't wait to make some of my own!!

  52. I just made 17 of these for my daughter's school class. Her school is set up as a model city, so each class has a business, and theirs is a pet themed business. So I had them help cut out the pieces, sewed them up, and they get to stuff them tomorrow. They sell them to other students for school "money" that they earn for good behavior. The kids are so excited about them!

    1. What a cute idea. I love that kids were involved with the cutting. I hope you get a good picture before sending them off.

  53. wanted to say thank you for your great tutorial and invite you to see my owl.

  54. Cet hibou est magnifique! Bravo!
    Je viens d'en faire un et voulais savoir si je pouvais utiliser ce patron lors d'un cours de coutrue pour la société des femmes de mon village?!
    Merci et à bientôt.

    Désolée je ne parle pas englais! ;-)

  55. These are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this tute, I can't wait to make my own. :)

  56. They are so adorable!! I changed the shape of the tail, I made it rounder on the pointed part, it's easier to do! I made around 10 of them for my friends! I was thinking about selling them to other friends and family but I saw that you said it wasn't for making money... I was wondering, would you mind me doing this as a help for making money to pay my school fees? :) Please say yes!! ^^

  57. I would like to see the owl times from behind


  58. Thanks dear, they are all marvelous. Loredana

  59. I absolutely adore these owl softies! Thank you so much for linking them up at SewSet! I featured them today as one of the Top Patterns!

    Thank you again!

    - Jess

  60. I collect OWLS and these are adorable. I will make myself one for sure.
    Thank you for sharing. senior Susan

  61. Your owls are so stinkin' cute! I actually found this on Pinterest and have featured it on my Pinterest Pick Post. Please let me know if you would like me to take down your post. I think you did a fabulous job!

  62. You have so many great tutes! I linked you up on my facebook wall with this one today!

  63. My club members, 6th and 7th graders, are raising money to help families living with cancer with a focus on pediatric cancers. They would like to use your pattern to make and sell owls. All of the proceeds will go toward buying toys for the treatment room at Children's and other organizations in the Chicago land area. We will send you pics of our work and a note about where the money is donated. May we use your pattern for this purpose?

  64. SUPERMOOI!!! Love it, thx for sharing ;-)

  65. i have a question : on the pattern, there are wings and also there are tails, i undestand what are wings but i don't understand tail (i am french), what are "tail" for? you spoke of wings in the tutorial but never again of tails and also on the patern tails are not colored in blue, does it means they are useless? that you if you could explain a little more

  66. Amei seu blog. Sensacional!!!! Estou te seguindo!!! Um grande abraço!!!

  67. Great, great and wonderful these owls!


  68. Thanks so much for the pattern, I put a music box in his belly and it turned out very nice , will try to put a photo in the flickr group, greetings from Holland

  69. I made one for my niece( due soon) I really hope she likes it!

  70. Very cute and thanks for sharing your secrets ! Just one question, how did you make the legs ? Do you have the pattern ?

  71. I've made several and always enjoyed it ! I've just posted some photos of them on my blog.
    Thank you so so much for sharing this pattern and tutorial !

  72. Gostei dessas corujinhas!!!
    Obrigada pelo tutorial.

  73. Cute! Can you please clarify how the back pieces come together? Do you have any photos of the finished product (owl's backside)? Is there 1 piece on the back from the head to the tail (using your herringbone fabric? I'm having a hard time connecting the dots here. Thanks Ruth!!

  74. Oh my!!! I'm so much in love with these owl plushie!! too cute & adorable! love your so excited I featured it in my own blog: thank you so much for sharing! super love!

  75. Hahaha. This is really cool and funny stuff. I will try this to decorate my kids room. He loves birds. Is there any method to make parrots and other birds like this one? Thanks for your decor idea.

  76. This is really awesome. I would love to try these for my kids.
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  81. Lovely piece of creation. Those owls look very cute. I must want to sew one for my new born baby.

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